Conflict Minerals Policy

Conflict Minerals Policy

衝突礦產政策 (Conflict Minerals Policy)

前鼎光電承諾不使用來自於中非地區剛果與鄰近衝突國家所開採的原生礦材,以確保錫(Sn)、鉭(Ta)、鎢(W)、金(Au) 及 Cobalt (Co) 等金屬,並非來自剛果民主共和國及其鄰近國家受武裝團體控制之礦區所開採。前鼎光電亦展開上游供應商調查及追溯所有產品中所含的原生礦材來源。並要求上游供應商履行禁止使用上述之「衝突礦產」。

APAC Opto is committed to using conflict-free minerals by not accepting Gold (Au), Tantalum (Ta), Tin (Sn), Tungsten (W) and Cobalt (Co) originated from militant-controlled mines in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or adjoining countries. We also sent surveys to our suppliers, requesting them to adopt a similar policy and to trace origins of all minerals used in their products. APAC Opto expects its suppliers to supply conflict-free materials to APAC Opto and is committed to fulfilling its responsibilities set out below.

  • APAC Opto will fulfill its social and environmental responsibilities.
  • 前鼎光電必須履行社會環境責任
  • APAC Opto will not use conflict minerals originated from militant-controlled mines in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or adjoining countries.
  • 前鼎光電必須確保產品不使用來自剛果及其周圍的國家和地區的衝突礦產
  • APAC Opto will request its suppliers to disclose origins of Au, Ta, Sn, W and Co used in any product supplied to APAC Opto and provide “Declaration of Conflict-Material Free” and “RMI Conflict Minerals Reporting Template”.
  • 前鼎光電將追溯產品中所含的金(Au)、鉭(Ta)、錫(Sn)、鎢(W)和 鈷(Co)來源,並要求供應商完成「衝突礦產不使用宣告書」與「RMI無衝突礦產報告模板」
  • APAC Opto will request its suppliers to send similar request to their suppliers.
  • 前鼎光電將要求供應商將此要求傳達給上游供應商